In Custody 01-15-2025 19:43
PhotoMNINameSexAgeBooking #Intake DateChargesBail\Bond
1382387 Anderson, Theodore Lewis M 33 17796 12-10-2024 18:28
G - Boarder - 171.24.3
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Cancell
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1196761 Bowman, Tylor Jason M 51 17750 11-14-2024 13:13
F - Boarder - 629.75.2(d)(1)
Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 years of
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
BELTRAMI BOARDER - projected release date 3-25-25
1386109 Brown, Jeremy Dean M 50 17869 01-06-2025 17:02
F - Boarder - 169A.20.1(5)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcoh
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1327278 Bryan, Scott Thomas M 25 17871 01-06-2025 17:22
F - Boarder - 609.345.1a(b)
Criminal Sexual Conduct-4th Degree-Contact -
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
754840 Christensen, Jacqueline Mary F 60 17769 11-26-2024 22:37
F - Bond/Bail Set - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
50000.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
$50,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. NCD: 1-15-25 @ 1400
1382392 Christensen, Jared Ray M 36 17797 12-10-2024 18:11
G - Boarder - 609.2242.2
Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
308833 Clark, Ronald Eugene M 34 17874 01-07-2025 11:41
G - Bond/Bail Set - 629.75.2(c)
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order - Violate No
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
15000.00  \  3000.00 0.00   0.00  
$15,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $3,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 2-10-25 @ 1300 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *no contact with victim *follow any existing DANCO's
969708 Debell, Cole Howard M 24 17549 09-16-2024 21:50
F - Hold Without Bail - 609.352.2
Solicit Child to Engage in Sexual Conduct-Pro
F - Bond/Bail Set - 243.166.5(a)(1)
Predatory Offender - Knowingly commits act or
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
HOLD WITHOUT BAIL NCD: 2-20-25 @ 0900
20000.00  \  2000.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $2,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 2-20-25 @ 0900 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent
347339 Desrocher, Matthew Henry M 39 17808 12-13-2024 13:58
F - Sentenced - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 1-21-25
356150 Ebhardt, Johnathan Michael M 33 17849 12-29-2024 13:04
G - Sentenced - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 1-27-25
1276796 Foster, Harry Lee M 60 17779 12-02-2024 12:44
F - Boarder - 609.582.2(a)(1)
Burglary-2nd Degree-Dwelling
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1280728 French, Natasha Louise F 27 17888 01-14-2025 17:22
F - Bond/Bail Set - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
30000.00  \  5000.00 0.00   0.00  
$30,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $5,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 2-19-25 @ 0930 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *meet with probation upon release *do not leave state without courts consent *do not possess or consume alcohol or mood altering drugs not prescribed by a dr *submit to random testing (color code) *testing based on reasonable suspicion
1157393 Frie, Cory John M 27 17828 12-18-2024 13:59
M - ROR'D - 629.75.2(b)
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order - Violate No
M - Bond/Bail Set - 609.2242.1(1)
Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Commits Act to C
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
$10,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND NO COND. OR RPR PER COURT WITH COND. NCD: 1-29-25 @ 1300 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *no contact with victim *follow all DANCO's in place
50000.00  \  30000.00 0.00   0.00  
$50,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $30,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-29-25 @ 1300 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *no contact with victim *follow all DANCO's in place
1338927 Gunderson, Brian Jerome M 60 17807 12-12-2024 13:18
F - Boarder - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1386112 Hubbard, Jared Abraham M 26 17870 01-06-2025 17:45
F - Boarder - 609.59
1st degree Burglary
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
22045 Jones, David Darnell M 40 17525 09-11-2024 16:01
F - Hold Other Agency - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1230839 Kalbrener, Caleb Kurt M 22 17854 12-31-2024 11:23
M - Boarder - 629.75.2(d)(1)
Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 years of
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1188940 Keehr-Oleson, Levi Alan M 39 17497 08-31-2024 04:18
M - Bond/Bail Set - 588.20.2(8)
Contempt of Court - Fail to Pay Ordered Child
M - Sentence Complete - 327.75.1
Innkeeper-defraud-obtain food or lodging with
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 1-27-25 or pay $20,002.63 CASH BAIL ONLY (child support)
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 12-16-24
233553 Knoll, Marshall Anthony M 66 17882 01-11-2025 13:48
F - Warrant Hold - 169A.20.1(7)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Any A
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
454927 Kuhl, Kasandra Marie F 26 17883 01-11-2025 19:37
F - Hold Without Bail - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Hold Without Bail - 609.222.1
Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
HOLD WITHOUT BAIL NCD: 2-19-25 @ 0900
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
HOLD WITHOUT BAIL NCD: 2-19-25 @ 0900
2929 Maurer, Colin Michael M 34 17867 01-05-2025 14:44
G - Sentenced - 169A.20.1(7)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Any A
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 2-3-25
399239 Monnier, Kyle Allan M 24 17834 12-22-2024 17:20
F - Bond/Bail Set - 609.582.4(a)
Burglary - 4th Degree - Enters building w/out
M - Charges Dismissed - 518B.01.14(a)
Domestic Abuse - Violate Order for Protection
F - Bond/Bail Set - 518B.01.14(d)(1)
Domestic Abuse; Violates 2 or more OFPw/in 10
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
15000.00  \  3000.00 0.00   0.00  
*FILES RUN CONSECUTIVE* $15,000 BOND NO COND. OR $3,000 BOND WITH COND. NCD: 1-15-25 @ 1400 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent *excluded from BS Self Storage
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
30000.00  \  3000.00 0.00   0.00  
*FILES RUN CONSECUTIVE* $30,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $3,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 2-18-25 @ 1330 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *no contact with victim *excluded 200 yards from victims residence *DANCO Ordered
1377590 Nickaboine, Hayleigh Alyssa F 26 17732 11-09-2024 02:57
F - Bond/Bail Set - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
G - Bond/Bail Set - 609.506.2
Giving Peace Officer False Name-of Another Pe
F - Bond/Bail Set - 641.165.2(a)
Introduce Contraband-Drug/Liquor into Jail/Lo
F - Warrant Hold - 152.025.2(2)(i)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Procure/Possess/Control
M - Warrant Hold - 609.546.(1)
Tamper With Motor Vehicle-Ride In/On-w/o Owne
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
20000.00  \  4000.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $4,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-16-25 @ 1000 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not possess or consume alcohol or mood altering drugs not prescribed by a dr *submit to random testing (color code) *testing based on reasonable suspicion
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
CROW WING HOLD - body only warrant
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
MILLE LACS HOLD - $2000 bail on warrant
29745 Okroi, Lawrence Burt M 55 17758 11-17-2024 22:45
F - Sentenced - 169A.24.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - First-Degree DWI;w/in 10 yrs
G - Sentenced - 171.24.5
Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation-inimica
G - Sentenced - 169A.20.2(1)
Traffic - DWI - Refuse to submit to chemical
G - Sentenced - 169A.20.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I
G - Sentenced - 171.24.5
Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation-inimica
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 2-2-25
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 12-4-24
1319880 Olson, Casey Willer M 35 17709 11-01-2024 11:42
F - Boarder - 609.53.1
Receiving Stolen Property
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1383965 Olson, Nora Theresa F 46 17832 12-22-2024 17:30
G - Bond/Bail Set - 169A.20.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I
G - Warrant Hold - 169A.20.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I
G - Warrant Hold - 169A.20.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
20000.00  \  5000.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $5,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-27-25 @ 1330 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent *do not possess or consume alcohol or mood altering drugs not prescribed by a dr *submit to random testing *testing based on reasonable suspicion *submit to electronic monitoring prior to release *do not enter any location that sells alcohol as primary business
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
AIKTIN HOLD - body only warrant
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
ITASCA HOLD - $1000 bail on warrant
1355462 Pederson, Paul Abel M 41 17856 12-31-2024 11:39
F - Boarder - 609.2242.4
Domestic Assault-Felony
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
172527 Peterson, Devon Edward M 20 17489 08-27-2024 01:55
F - Bond/Bail Set - 609.245.1
Aggravated Robbery-1st Degree
F - Bond/Bail Set - 609.222.1
Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon
M - Bond/Bail Set - 609.224.1(1)
Assault-5th Degree-Fear of Bodily Harm or Dea
F - ROR'D - 609.345.1(b)
Criminal Sexual Conduct - 4th Degree - Contac
F - ROR'D - 609.342.1a(e)
Criminal Sexual Conduct - 1st Degree - Penetr
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
100000.00  \  50000.00 0.00   0.00  
$100,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $50,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-22-25 @ 0930 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent *shall not possess any firearms *surrender all firearms upon release to Sheriff's Office or LFPD
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR RPR PER COURT WITH COND. NCD: 2-11-25 @ 1500 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent *no contact with victims
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR RPR PER COURT WITH COND. NCD: 2-11-25 @ 1500 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *do not leave state without courts consent *no contact with victims
1279962 Schuh, Derrick Allen M 28 17749 11-14-2024 13:06
F - Boarder - 169A.24.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - First-Degree DWI;w/in 10 yrs
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1287641 Stumpf, Devaunte Darrell Jones M 30 17863 01-02-2025 13:05
F - Bond/Bail Set - 629.75.2(b)
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order - Violate No
F - Warrant Hold - 629.75.2(b)
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order - Violate No
F - Warrant Hold - 518B.01.14(d)(1)
Domestic Abuse; Violates 2 or more OFPw/in 10
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
25000.00  \  2500.00 0.00   0.00  
$25,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $2,500 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-27-25 @ 1300 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *no contact with victim *abide by any existing DANCO's
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
BENTON HOLD - body only warrant
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1097158 Tahahwah, Patrick Ray M 25 17842 12-23-2024 12:57
F - Sentenced - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
G - Boarder - 609.749.2(b)(1)
Harassment - Reasonable fear of substantial b
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 1-1-25
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1381465 Thompson, Dakota James M 29 17786 12-04-2024 11:42
F - Boarder - 243.166.5(a)(1)
Predatory Offender - Knowingly commits act or
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1339011 Vargas, Yoximar Linares M 32 17865 01-03-2025 18:50
M - Sentenced - 169.13.2(a)
Traffic - Careless Driving - Operate any vehi
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
OUT DATE: 1-21-25
1346432 Wade, Jesse Frederick M 38 17667 10-23-2024 14:24
F - Boarder - 518B.01.14(a)
Domestic Abuse - Violate Order for Protection
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1296706 Wasche, Robert Joseph M 42 17508 09-04-2024 12:53
F - Bond/Bail Set - 152.021.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Possess 50 grams or more
M - Bond/Bail Set - 171.24.2
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocat
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
150000.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
$150,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. NCD: 3-21-25 @ 1100
1368075 Weitzel, Allen Clair M 33 17857 12-31-2024 11:12
F - Boarder - 169A.24.1(1)
Traffic - DWI - First-Degree DWI;w/in 10 yrs
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
556850 White, Joshua James M 31 17639 10-15-2024 12:56
F - Boarder - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1362597 Williams, Matthew Gordon M 41 17480 08-21-2024 11:46
F - Boarder - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
1386743 Williams, Morgan Elizabeth F 47 17881 01-10-2025 19:17
G - Bond/Bail Set - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Warrant Hold - 152.022.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 2nd Degree - Possess 25 grams or more
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
20000.00  \  5000.00 0.00   0.00  
$20,000 BOND OR CASH NO COND. OR $5,000 BOND OR CASH WITH COND. NCD: 1-27-25 @ 1015 Conditions are: *remain law abiding *make all court appearances *report address changes to court *keep in contact with attorney *meet with probation upon release *do not leave state without courts consent *do not possess or consume alcohol or mood altering drugs not prescribed by a dr *submit to random testing (color code) *testing based on reasonable suspicion
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
WRIGHT HOLD - body only warrant
1314396 Wind, Douglas Wayne F 38 17819 12-16-2024 11:14
F - Boarder - 609.821.2(1)
Financial Transaction Card Fraud-Use-No Conse
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00